Friday 31 May 2024

'An Old Boys' Reunion'

Meet John, Chris, Michael & myself on a walk from the Langdale valley, our first walk together in over 50 years! 

9miles 2200ft

Meet L to R:  Chris,  Michael,  Myself  & John.
The house where Michael's family were on holiday...
...with this wonderful view up the Langdale valley
Michael in pensive mood on the path to Meg Ghyll
"Are we on the right path"...?
..."oh yes this is definitely Meg Ghyll there's Windermere in the distance"...
...and here's the summit of Silver How our first objective. Helvellyn in cloud with Grizedale Hause & Fairfield
Grasmere and Rydal from the summit
Zooming in on Grasmere village
Taking care on the steep descent, knees aren't quite as flexible as they used to be! 
...and again
A very attractive spot on Grasmere lakeside for... 
...some photos... 
...and lunch
We then climbed back over 'the bump' as someone called it and dropped down to Elterwater village...
...on the way the RAF were much in evidence disturbing the peace in the valleys
We then followed the river Brathay.... Chapel Stile village to enjoy....
....a well earned pint of something together, and to celebrate a grand reunion!!
Thanks to you all for a most enjoyable walk in your excellent company. I don't think we'd better leave it another 50years!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed being in the Lakes again and reminiscing of our walks of over 50 years ago
