Friday 10 May 2024

 Coniston to Nibthwaite 


Top 'o' Selside, Bethecar Moor & Brock Barrow.  11.5miles 1700ft

Setting off from Coniston village where Donald Campbell's  restored Bluebird is now in the Ruskin museum
Leaving the village across the fields to the lake shore
The steam gondola lake ferry was moored across the lake
On the east side of the lake is Brantwood, The home of John Ruskin from 1872 to 1900
Bluebells proliferated the lakeside fields
I left the lakeside after a couple of miles to start the climb up Bell beck to Top 'o' Selside
The summit cairn soon came into view at only 1102ft
Continuing on the tops I came to the highest point on the moor....
....with a view back to Top 'o' Selside
Descending a little to the west gave a panoramic view of Coniston water with the Coniston fells behind....
 The summit of Coniston Old Man was just in view as the clouds parted....
....just below me was a view down to Peel Island the setting for Arthur Ransomes 'Wild Cat Island' in the novel Swallows and Amazons....
....and little futher south, Park Nab marina
My last top was Brock Barrow standing.....
....immediately above my destination of Nibthwaite village on the lakeside below.....
.....about 45 minutes later I was looking back up to Brock Barrow....
 ....from the side of the lake....
....and a final lake view as I arrived back at the car
A beautiful warm Spring day's walking in some of Lakelands wonderful scenery and less travelled paths.

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