Thursday 15 August 2024

 Swindale to Mardale & Return

11miles 1750ft

Setting off from Swindale Foot on a lovely summer's morning
Crossing Swindale Beck into.....
....the RSPB nature reserve
Passing through the reserve I saw a Common Buzzard on a hunting mission....
....and this beautiful large Golden Ringed Dragon Fly. They can have tails up to 8.5cm long which this one seemed to have. They don't sting but can bite, fortunately they're unable to break the skin!
At the head of Swindale are Forces Falls, a series of waterfalls descending from Swindale Common.... 
....and again
Leaving the falls I passed through the glacial drumlins heading for the 'Old Corpse Road' from Mardale
Looking back down the 'Corpse Road' as I climbed towards Mardale. 
I didn't fancy foraging those for my tea!
Reaching Mardale Common the fells above Haweswater appeared....
...including High Street & Kidsty Pike....
....and now Harter fell above Mardale Head. The ruins of the village of Mardale have been under the water at the head of the reservoir since the valley was flooded in 1957. They appear sometimes in very dry spells.
The Rigg at the foot of Riggindale crags almost divides the reservoir in two
Two fell runners stopped to admire the view...
I did the same here to have my lunch...
This Mountain Ash tree in front made a lovely silhouette with the blue of the water
....continuing along the side of the reservoir I stopped briefly at the rather nice Haweswater Hotel...
....with tables overlooking the water
On reaching the dam I then began the short climb back over to Swindale passing through....
....Naddle farm where the RSPB are working hard to encourage a variety of wild life back to the area. Here they have planted lots of tree seeds, the seedlings from which will be planted back into the area. 
Finally the last descent to the car back in Swindale
Another beautiful summer's day and a delightful walk with plenty of interest and magnificent views!

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