Wednesday 18 September 2024

 Wythburn to Grange Bridge 

via Ullscarth fell

10.5miles 2350ft

Setting off from Wythburn at the southern end of Thirlmere. On the horizon is the northern Wythburn ridge which my route to day will follow
Gaining height as I climb towards Harrop tarn
Arriving at Harrop tarn....
....and again
Looking down to Wythburn as I start out along the ridge
Looking north up Thirlmere, Blencathra on the horizon
The sun climbs above Fairfield
Grisedale hause and Fairfield again
Helm crag with Windermere on the horizon
The clarity of the air today was amazing. When I arrived here at Ullscarf summit 2328ft whilst by no means the highest fell in Lakes it still afforded a wonderful 360 degree panorama of fells. Here we see the Scafells and Great End
Great Gable (left) & Pillar (Right)
Fleetwith pike & Honister pass in foreground with the Buttermere fells behind
I began the descent to Borrowdale over High Saddle with Derwent water & Bassenthwaite on the horizon....
.....and Honister pass climbing up from Seatoller below
Approaching Dock tarn
A lovely place for a cup of coffee & biscuits!
On the descent to Borrowdale Watendlath tarn came into view....
....and again....
....before descending through the woods to....
....the river Derwent....
....and my final destination Grange Bridge
Today was a truly fantastic day's walking in the Lakes.
I only climbed one significant summit but nevertheless the views from the central location of Ullscarf were spectacular!!!

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Lake & Tarn Bagging!!

No summits today, the walk this week  visits 6 lakes or tarns

13miles 2500ft

Starting from Ambleside I walked down to Windermere lake shore at Waterhead....
....and continued along the shore towards Borran's Park....
.....before starting the climb up Loughrigg fell with a view down to Holy Trinity church Brathay
Cloud was rapidly rising off the summits but these were not for me today
About halfway up Loughrigg fell is Lily tarn, a little too late in summer to see the beautiful blooming lilies, but the eastern early morning sky was very nice
Taking a circuit of the little tarn....
....before climbing a little higher for a view to Crinkle Crags
My route then took me down towards Skelwith Bridge to pass round....
Loughrigg tarn from where....
....there is a great view of the Langdale fells 
Another short climb took me to the eastern side of Loughrigg fell....
....with views to more summits still in cloud but of no consequence for me today....! I descended to the shore of Rydal Water my 4th of the day 
Looking across the lake to Rydal Cottage
I then followed the river Rothay upstream to.... 

Grasmere with the village at the northern end
The shoreline here seemed an excellent place to stop for  lunch....
....watching the ducks
Leaving Grasmere behind I crossed the main road to Keswick passing the very nice Swan hotel.... climb up Greenhead Gill....
....looking down on Grasmere before..... 
arriving at Alcock tarn, my 6th and last tarn or lake of the day
 ....with a view down to Windermere my 1st of the day
 On my final descent I paused by a little pond and got my insect photo of the week.... this Water boatman
I expected damp & rainy start to the day but was delighted with as good a day as I've had all summer. This was also a delightful walk requiring rather less effort than a walk over the high fells!

Wednesday 4 September 2024

 Wetherlam circuit from Coniston via the Yewdale fells, Steel Edge & Coppermine valley 9miles 2800ft

Coniston village with the cloud just lifting off  Coniston old Man 
Starting the climb into the Yewdale fells
Coniston village with the lake behind
Looking east to the Helvellyn range
Looking down into Lower Tilberthwaite
Lots of Bog Bean pools amongst the fells
Zooming in on Grisedade Hause with cloud touching Helvellyn and Fairfield to the right
Looking down into Tilberthwaite Ghyll....
....and above the ghyll into the sun from the start of the climb up Steel Edge
Looking back down Steel Edge...
...and again from a little higher, until...
....emerging from the climb onto Wetherlam summit 2500ft looking to Coniston Old Man and Swirl How....
....and Blea tarn beneath Side Pike
Starting the descent into Red Dell
.....and looking back up Red Dell
Crossing Red Dell beck with Coppermines valley and Coniston water behind 
Part of the old mine workings
A final look back into the valley from the easy walk  into Coniston village
A excellent walk on a perfect late summer's day