Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Day 3 Bootle to Brough Walk

Coniston to Ambleside 

via Tarn Hows, Skelwith Bridge, Loughrigg fell, Rydal Caves & Rydal Hall, 13.5 miles  1900ft 

I arrived in Ambleside over an hour too early for the first bus to Coniston. I decided to walk to the Coniston road and try my luck at hitching a lift. 
In less than 5 minutes I was picked up by a National Trust ranger on his way to work in Coniston!
Here I was 7.30am passing the very nice Coniston Inn on my way to Tarn Hows!
Looking south down Coniston Water....
....and back to Coniston marina
By chance my route took me here through Boon Crag farm, the National Trust property where my lift ranger  was working
The view down Coniston Water opened up as I climbed towards Tarn Hows....
....passing Tarn Hows cottage on the way

Some nice reflections in the still waters of the tarn
Sat here on a bench I activated the bird song identifier on my phone. In 10 minutes I heard all the following:
Song Thrush, Robin, Wren, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Redshank & a Canada Goose!
I rather liked this tree silhouette on the crag behind me
Descending from Tarn Hows I joined the 'Cumbria Way' here alongside the river Brathay....
....which I crossed next to....
....Skelwith force....
....before continuing to Skelwith Bridge
My route continued on paths over the shoulder of Loughrigg fell.... 
....before descending to Rydal caves....
....and again....
....where I sat overlooking Rydal water for my lunch...
....and again....
....and again
After crossing the Rothay valley a short climb took me to Rydal Hall....
....and part of the Rydal estate gardens....
....before a final stroll into Ambleside passing it's famous Bridge House
This was a lovely walk full of great views and lots of interest. There was no strenous climbing on the fells which made a pleasant change. Certainly a thoroughly enjoyable Day '3'

Thursday, 20 March 2025

 Day 2   Bootle to Brough Walk

Ulpha (Duddon Valley) to Coniston

11miles 3100ft

Setting off by the river Duddon in Hamlet of Ulpha
Looking down into the Duddon valley as I start the climb to Stickle Pike
Nearing the summit with a view over the valley to the fells of last week's walk
Stickle Pike summit cairn 1230ft
Looking south from the summit to the Kent estuary into Morecambe bay....
....and north to Caw (fell) with stickle tarn
Stickle tarn again....
....and again sitting for my morning break

After taking the path that crosses 'The Knott' 
I continued up the path following the river Lickle valley.....
....to climb White Pike & White Maiden straight ahead
Scafell & Scafell Pike were just part of the skyline from White Pike summit a couple of hours later
Continuing along the broad ridge to White Maiden summit 1995ft today's highest point
The skyline of the North Western fells
Descending to the Walna scar pass....
....with the path down to Coniston ahead....
.....where I was rather annoyingly, overtaken by two lads on scrambler bikes!
The path into the Coniston fells as I approached Coniston village....
.....passing the Sun Hotel into.... 
....the village centre to wait for my lift back to Ulpha
Another lovely early spring day but still with a chilly wind on the summits. 
A great 'Day 2' on my route heading for Brough

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

The start of a new long distance walk 

Bootle (West Cumbria coast) to Brough, (North Pennines)

Day 1 Bootle to Ulpha  11miles 2400ft

To save a long drive  I first caught the train here at Foxfield.... 
.....with a view from the platform to Black Combe 
.....before leaving the train at Bootle
Crossing Kinmont beck
Looking back to a hazy Cumbrian coast....
....and again
Eskmeals railway viaduct and the mud flats of the river Esk

Climbing towards the col between Burnmoor & Buckbarrow fells
 Whitfell, my highest climb of the day now lies ahead
Whitfell from Burnmoor fell
Whitfell trig point 1880ft where I had lunch in the warm sunshine....
Looking back the way I'd come before....
.....descending into the Duddon valley
The Old Bobbin mill on Holehouse beck
Arriving at the bridge over the river Duddon in the hamlet of Ulpha
Looking down the river Duddon
Finally a last look at the bridge before my lift back to Foxfield
I always like to explore a new route and today's was my first time crossing this area of Cumbria. 
It lived up to my expectations and was a great start to new long distance walk