Tuesday 15 October 2024

 Clapham to Ingleton via Ingleborough 

10.5miles 2200ft

Ingleborough from the train heading for Clapham, West Yorkshire, where I would start today's walk
The train continued through Bentham
Leaving the train outside Clapham I walked from the station to the attractive nature reserve path through the Clapham estate.
....and again
....and again
Leaving the nature trail I soon came to Clapham caves entrance which you can pay to enter and follow a self guided tour of the cave network. However I didn't have time for this today.
Leaving the caves the path soon enters the impressive Trow Gill....
....and again
Looking back down the gill
Next with only a slight diversion off the path to Ingleborough I visited Gaping Gill
Approaching the entrance to Gaping Gill pothole
Looking into the pothole
In summer the cave rescue team build a pulley framework over the entrance here and for a donation to their funds will lower you down for a visit into the cave network
Leaving Gaping Gill the climb up Ingleborough continues.....
....until its flat topped summit which makes it such a recognisable summit from miles around is reached.
The summit wind shelter (2372ft) with its viewfinder and plenty of walkers sheltering from the cold wind
A circuit of the summit affords some great views....
....and again
Including Ribblehead railway viaduct
After leaving the summit I took the path leading to the village of Ingleton
.....passing St Mary's church....
.....and finishing with a view of the disused railway viaduct before meeting up with my lift back to Carnforth.
The day started with a very scenic railway journey up the Lune valley. This was followed with an equally scenic and interesting walk over Ingleborough.
All in all another excellent day's walking on a lovely sunny day!

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