Tuesday 15 October 2024

 Clapham to Ingleton via Ingleborough 

10.5miles 2200ft

Ingleborough from the train heading for Clapham, West Yorkshire, where I would start today's walk
The train continued through Bentham
Leaving the train outside Clapham I walked from the station to the attractive nature reserve path through the Clapham estate.
....and again
....and again
Leaving the nature trail I soon came to Clapham caves entrance which you can pay to enter and follow a self guided tour of the cave network. However I didn't have time for this today.
Leaving the caves the path soon enters the impressive Trow Gill....
....and again
Looking back down the gill
Next with only a slight diversion off the path to Ingleborough I visited Gaping Gill
Approaching the entrance to Gaping Gill pothole
Looking into the pothole
In summer the cave rescue team build a pulley framework over the entrance here and for a donation to their funds will lower you down for a visit into the cave network
Leaving Gaping Gill the climb up Ingleborough continues.....
....until its flat topped summit which makes it such a recognisable summit from miles around is reached.
The summit wind shelter (2372ft) with its viewfinder and plenty of walkers sheltering from the cold wind
A circuit of the summit affords some great views....
....and again
Including Ribblehead railway viaduct
After leaving the summit I took the path leading to the village of Ingleton
.....passing St Mary's church....
.....and finishing with a view of the disused railway viaduct before meeting up with my lift back to Carnforth.
The day started with a very scenic railway journey up the Lune valley. This was followed with an equally scenic and interesting walk over Ingleborough.
All in all another excellent day's walking on a lovely sunny day!

Friday 11 October 2024

Castlerigg to Lodore (Keswick)

On the look out for some Autumn colour

11miles 2000ft

Setting off from Castlerigg stone circle just before sunrise
Here it comes.....
.....well almost
My first climb took me to the top of Walla crag, a very popular walk from Keswick, however I had it all to myself this morning
Derwentwater from Walla crag....
....again sat on the summit for coffee and flapjack!
Zooming in on Lord's island & Friar's crag with Nichol End marina behind
Keswick with Skiddaw behind
I then walked south towards Watendlath.....
 ......stopping here at 'Surprise View' looking down on the Lodore Hotel where I would be finishing the walk later in the day

The round the lake ferry had just left the Lodore landing

Looking south further into Borrowdale
My route then descended to Watendlath beck....
....and again
The Autumn colours were looking good here
Arriving at Watendlath tarn for lunch....

....and again....

I then had a final climb to Brund fell summit.... 

....then descended into Troutdale....
I followed the lakeside path to the Lodore pier....  
.....and finally the Lodore Hotel
The wait until Thursday for my weekly walk was definitely a good decision, it was by far the best weather day this week. 
Another wonderful day's walking in the ever attractive Lakeland scenery


Thursday 3 October 2024

 Return to the 'Dales 30'

my 29th of  the 30 fells in the Dales National Park over 2000ft.

Birks fell Upper Wharfedale, from Starbotton 10.5 miles 1900ft

After parking in the village of Starbotton I crossed the river Wharfe to start the climb up Birks fell
Looking down the dale from the climb
The village of Starbotton nestling in the dale
Some ominous clouds as I reached the summit plateau
The wind was close to gale force across the summit but this ruined shepherd's hut provided shelter for my first break
Some signs that it was brightening up a little....
....Then a break in the clouds produced this great cloudscape
The sunshine continued as I reached the trig point at 1991ft however this is not the summit
A further mile across the summit plateau leads to....
....this cairn, which at 2001ft puts it just in the Dales 30 category
Nearby is Birks tarn which lies next to the path leading off the fell to.....
Buckden village 
The village is next to the river Wharfe where I sat here to have my lunch
I then followed The 'Dales Way' long distance path from Ilkely to Bowness which passes through the dale.... 
.....for 2 or 3 miles back to the bridge leading to my car at Starbotton.
A welcome change to drive east today instead of the usual M6 heading north. It wasn't a perfect summer's day by any means but it was a great walk and it stayed dry producing some great cloud effects.
Just one more 'Dales 30' to go, ie  Yockenthwaite Moor. It's reknowned for being the boggiest fell in the Dales!!! 
I think to leave it for a cold winters day when all is frozen would be a good idea!!!